Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Is it fall yet?

It's close when Walmart gets their mums in, I just couldn't resist some red mums for the porch, I'm even tempted to pot some up for the dining room since they will match! lol Even the weather thinks it's fall, for the last several days we've been enjoying some lovely fall like temps, cool evenings that linger till morning and a slight breeze under a mild sun, feels like fall to me! I'm ready too, so tempted to decorate for the new season, a friend already has over the weekend, see what power the weather has over us! So, to celebrate this wonderful new season, it's giveaway time again, a fall theme one no doubt! All you have to do is leave me a comment on when you start decorating for this fun time of the year? Plus, if you post about my giveaway on your blog your name will go in the basket twice, so get blogging! I'll leave it open for a couple of weeks and if chosen, I'll be sending you out a fall theme package, just in time to decorate your home for this cozy season! Happy Fall you all!!


  1. Hello.

    I always decorate for fall. I have already 2 mums outside, one white and one yellow. The yellow one is in a hanger and the white one in a wicker backet, looks cute.
    Later I will add pumpkins and fake fall leaves etc. I might start the end of this month.

    Huhs from Marian/Dutchy from MJF.

  2. Hi Friend Sue,
    You are just too cute. I blogged about your give away.

    Fall is my favorite time of year. I just love cooking up a pot of soup and baking up some bread.


  3. I totally agree with Laura, Fall is my favorite time of year. I even plant Garden Mums that come back every year but fear that because of the drought we are having here in the south, they are looking pretty pathetic.

    In the north, where we are actually from, school always starts after Labor Day and I guess that is when I start to decorate and feel like Fall is here.


  4. Anonymous6:24 PM

    It does feel like fall, Sue. We are certainly enjoying the cooler temperatures.

    One of my old school friends will be here in a couple of weeks, on her way to the lake, from Wisconsin. I am putting some fall things out for her visit. Can't wait! I love fall!

  5. Oh For SURE! I LOVE Fall !! My ALL Time Fav Season! & Girl do I Miss the Season Changing & those fall leaves! We just don't get that down here In Florida! So As Soon as i get to i start draggin' out my Fall Decorating stuff..

    I've switched out the entry Rugs.. & the kitchen rugs now.. & I Love to hang a bunch of huge fake leaves by strands of yarn in the windows.. It looks so sweet!

    Thanks for the Reminece!


  6. Evening,

    I love fall, crisp leaves..pumpkin pie and bonfires!

    I haven't started to decorate yet but I'm having a hard time waiting, I'll start the first week in September.

    Please enter me in your contest!


  7. Hi Sue,
    Autumn is my all time favorite month. I love the pictures of your kitchen and collection of utensils. please sign me up for your giveaway. thanks!
    Farmgirl hugs,

  8. Oops for got to mention that I start getting things out the end of August. I like to keep it decorated as much and for as long as I can!

  9. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Wow! I can hardly believe it is that time of year again. It seems like we just got into summer. The kids running around getting ready for school. The leaves starting to change and everything smelly like damp dirt...it must be fall. Fall is in the air...yet summer is still holding on.:O)
    hugs Jessie

  10. Oh! This sounds FANTASTIC Sue!!! I usually try to hold off decorating for fall till Sept. 1st...but i LOVE fall...so sometimes I start a lil earlier!
    I love the pic of the mums! They look great out on your porch! I also love the container you have them in!!! :)
    Thanks sooo much for a fun giveaway!!! :)

  11. I can hardly wait for fall! I love your red mums in your beat up enamelware pot! Soooo cute and prim!

  12. OOOOH NOOOOO!!! It's not fall yet! Fall is my second favorite season, I love spring. BUt I can't wait till the temps start to drop, and we lose our 100 degree days and 100 percent humidity. Usually around the 2nd week in September. Then I start thinking fall decorating. I like to pick vines and berries to decorate with. Usually, in late September my Monarda has a 2nd blooming, and those are nice bright red flowers to cut and strategically place around the house - they smell great too.

  13. I'm so ready to decorate for fall! I've been resisting the urge to buy a fall wreath for the door...
    Please drop my name in the hat! I'd love some fall goodies!

  14. Well, I am not ready to relinquish the summer. I really do like autumn decorating, however, I never start until the first of October. I am not a cold weather person, so I hang on to summer
    as well as my flip flops till my toes freeze!!
    Please enter me into your drawing as I could use some new Fall ideas.

  15. Hi Sue,

    Posted your Giveaway on my blog.

    I am going to decorate for fall Sept 1st. It will still be hotter than Hades here but I don`t care! Lots of oak leaves, acorns and squash. I`ll have to import the leaves and acorns.

    Thanks for the fab Giveaway!

  16. Hi! Sue,

    How exciting ~ a Fall giveaway! I love fall and I love to decorate. I have been tempted to start decorating now, but am holding myself back until September. Still too hot!
    I really am enjoying the pictures of your new home as you finish each room. They are so inspiring!
    I have posted about your giveaway on my blog. Come visit me!


  17. Autumn is my favourite time of year, the colours, the smells, the crispness in the air. I just love it! I usuall like to put a few gourds around and some squash and pumpkins. One thing I miss over here are the vibrant colours of the changing leaves. Not a lot of maples here so we don't get that pleasure!

  18. I start decorating immediately after Labor Day...althogh I WANT to start as soon as school starts...but mid August is a bit too early for NC!

  19. It's so hard to believe it's almost fall and mums are in!
    I usually start decorating mid-to-late September. Georgia weather doesn't really cool down a lot until then. Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)

  20. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Louisiana is sooooo hot through the August and September. I usually decorate midway through September...or when the mums arrive.
    They aren't here yet.... Then I go crazy beginning with Halloween!

  21. I love fall. Not too hot, not too cold. Just right.

    Please count me in,

  22. Sue, there is just something about fall that speaks to my spirit. I am more enthusiastic during this time of year than any ... and I've already begun my fall decorating ~ small touches ~ a garland here and a pumpkin there ~ but I just couldn't wait! I just know it was those cool nights last week and woke up the desire.

    Guess what? I did my wall today! It looks so good. I just love it. Your pie crimpers looks just lovely! The only thing that was a bit disappointing was the lack of color in the wall. I really need to get brave enough to paint a wall or two with some rich color. Maybe soon.

    I'll be posting about my wall (inspired by you) and your giveaway this week!

    Always love visiting with you my friend!


  23. Sue, there is just something about fall that speaks to my spirit. I am more enthusiastic during this time of year than any ... and I've already begun my fall decorating ~ small touches ~ a garland here and a pumpkin there ~ but I just couldn't wait! I just know it was those cool nights last week and woke up the desire.

    Guess what? I did my wall today! It looks so good. I just love it. Your pie crimpers looks just lovely! The only thing that was a bit disappointing was the lack of color in the wall. I really need to get brave enough to paint a wall or two with some rich color. Maybe soon.

    I'll be posting about my wall (inspired by you) and your giveaway this week!

    Always love visiting with you my friend!


  24. Fall is my favorite season! I don't do a lot of decorating for fall, but I do put some mini pumpkins and gourds on the table, and a few potted Mums on the porch as soon as I feel that crisp, coolness in the air.

  25. I decorate for fall after September 11. I like toleave all my flags up until then. I adore the Fall. All the bright and beautiful colors......

  26. Lea sent me over. Fall is my favorite season. I love to decorate with the flowers of fall--zinnias in fruit jars everywhere, potted mums on the patio by my rocker. I love when the grandkids bring me over their little pumpkins and we decorate them with markers. I love the chill in the air at night and the warmth of the afternoons. My hubby will light a fire in the pit on weekends and we'll sit outside and enjoy the fire. Time to make apple butter....

  27. What a fun theme for a giveaway.

    I love fall. I'm not a fan of summer and the hot months so I long for the cool crisp days of fall.

    I don't decorate until the end of Sept and if I'm behind I may wait until the first part of Oct.

    We got new furniture this year and it has fall colors in it. So the fall decorating will be perfect this year. I can't wait.

    I have listed your giveaway on my blog.


  28. What a fun theme for a giveaway.

    I love fall. I'm not a fan of summer and the hot months so I long for the cool crisp days of fall.

    I don't decorate until the end of Sept and if I'm behind I may wait until the first part of Oct.

    We got new furniture this year and it has fall colors in it. So the fall decorating will be perfect this year. I can't wait.

    I have listed your giveaway on my blog.


  29. Anonymous2:53 AM

    Oh Sue, I didn't know the mums were starting to come in! I can't wait to put them on my porch each year!

    I usually start decorating for Fall as soon as September hits - whether it's cool or not - to me, September is Fall and that's all that matters.

    We have had cooler temperatures here too, lately - it really does get you in the mood for Fall and all the loveliness that goes along with it!

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  30. I'm ready for fall too. I usually start decorating Sept 1. Love all the warm colors, pumpkins, leaves....everything. Just ready for a change ;)

    Please enter me in your giveaway. Love your site!!!


  31. I would love to be entered in your fall giveaway! I am really getting in the fall mood right now, but I won't start decorating until at least the tail end of August or first of September! I just love fall....my favorite season!


  32. I am itching to get my fall things out now, but usually I wait until mid-September. I love fall decorations.

  33. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Fall is my favorite season. Mums are a favorite and like you, I can't resist buying a few to set outside for wonderful fall color. We live in an area where leaves don't put on much of a show...the mums sure pick up their slack.

    I also enjoy creating a scarecrow.
    And Indian corn is another favorite.

    I mentioned your giveaway on my blog. I found out about it over at Catherine's Vintage Style. :)

    Love your blog!

  34. Thanks for letting me know about your give away. I love the mum in the pot. I'd love to be entered! Thanks so much! hugs, Linda

  35. I love your home and your blog; I visit all the time; but forget to leave comments; i am trying to get better at this especially since now I have a blog! AND want folks to at least say HI! Please enter me in your contest; and I will post a link on my blog too~!!! Merrie

  36. I would love to be entered in the drawing. Lea sent me. I just had to see your laudnry room. I love the new look. I start decorating for fall in September, but have been looking at fall quilt patterns and such for awhile. Thanks for the give-away!! Julie

  37. I usually start decorating in September right after Labor day. Right now I am busy buying lots of new fall items. I just love Fall.

  38. I live in New Zealand so spring is just around the corner for us but when it is Autumn I like to get all the winter blankets and warm clothes out of the cupboards, we also order firewood and I have a bedspread/duvet that is printed with autumn leaves that I like to use, it really is my favourite season - so pretty and much cooler than summer :-)

  39. Anonymous9:36 PM

    I love decorating for fall, it's my favorite season. I usually decorate around the middle of September. We just moved a couple of months ago so now I have to find new homes for my cool fall decorations.

  40. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Fall is my favorite season also.I will start decorating next month or so..still warm here in Southern California....Lea sent me to your blog and I can't wait to read your posts!

  41. My dh came hoem with red ones last week too. From WalMart. LOL

  42. Anonymous5:55 AM

    I start decorating for fall on Set 1 when I hang my fall wall hanging quilts and put my fall leaf quilt on the bed. Then I add decorative pieces through the house over the course of the month.

    Thanks for the chance at a giveaway.
    Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

  43. Okay, I am going to be selfish and enter this give away too! LOL! I just posted about this on my bog!
    Have a great day girlie!

  44. i already started decorating for fall... :) i love the season!!
    great giveaway and i will post it on my blog.
    hugs, kim

  45. I was at Home Depot yesterday and they have their mums in too! I couldn't resist them and brought home three of them. For now, they're inside because it is supposed to be pretty warm here this weekend, and I'm terrible about remembering to water them! I've also started bringing some fall (apple, spice) scents into my home already! It's my favorite time of year and I can't wait!

  46. Sue, thanks for the Fall Give A Way!!! It is still really hot here in the deep south. We need anything to make us think it is cooler. Decorating is a start!

    Please enter me in your drawing and I have posted a link thingy to your blog and a note about your giveaway on my blog.

    Thanks so much!!!

  47. Hi Sue, love your blog! I will post about your giveaway! Great idea for fall. I am decorating this weekend for fall. We don't have mums yet here, in S. Calif. but I cannot wait. My favorite time of year. I like what you put your mums in too, that is so great!
    Have a wonderful day!
    Blessings, Debbie

  48. Oh my goodness, when the kids go back to school, the fall decorations come out. It is my time clock for the seasons... and since I have more time and the space while I am home alone to concentrate, I get a lot done. That is it for me, back to school time. I will post a link to this post on my blog as well.

  49. Oh my goodness, when the kids go back to school, the fall decorations come out. It is my time clock for the seasons... and since I have more time and the space while I am home alone to concentrate, I get a lot done. That is it for me, back to school time. I will post a link to this post on my blog as well.

  50. I begin decorating for fall sometime around the second week of September. I decorate our front porch all for fall with hay, fall leaves, pumpkins and so on. The kids get all excited because they know when mom begins decorating for fall, Halloween is not far away. We also decorate inside the house with fall decorations and of course can't forget Halloween items.

    I am actually getting excited to get all decorated. I have been stocking up on my fall items...lol


  51. This year I plan to begin decorating around the third week of September... Canadian Thanksgiving is the 2nd Monday of October so I like to have lots of time to enjoy the beautiful colors of autumn.

  52. I love the mums in your container! I've posted about your giveaway on my blog and I usually wait till mid September to decorate for fall:)
    Have a wonderful weedend.

  53. Hi! I came over here from Cranberry Crossings! Gotta love FALL! I don't decorate til after Labor Day. To me that's when it starts feeling like fall. Can't wait though. And our Wal-Marts have the mums out already! Need to get some! Have a great weekend!

  54. Fall is my favorite time of year especially decorating for fall/halloween...I love your blog and you are added to my dailys to read..I am also happy to add you to my blog for your giveaway...Nice to meet you! :)

  55. Great blog! I can't bring myself to start decorating for fall until the weather turns cooler - just doesn't seem right! LOL

  56. Fall is my favorite time of year! I decorate on September 1st. oh so cozy!

  57. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Hi found your blog on Lea's farmhouse Blessings blog. I love what you did to the kitchen dining area.

    I have already started to decorate for fall. Just have a couple of things up but there will be more put up before long. Please enter me into your give away.

    Going to read some more and take a closer look at your home and see what I can come up with for my home. ;)

  58. Fall is definitely my favorite season! I can't wait -- especially after our wet, disappointing summer. I'll be getting my decorations out in the next few weeks.

    I love your mums! I'll post your giveaway as well...

  59. Hmmmm, it's still 105 degrees here, so I'm not ready for autumn yet. :)

    I will start decorating for fall about the end of September.

    I love your red kitchen photos! Lovely!


  60. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I suprised even myself when I went into our local craft store today to pick up some tracing paper for an applique project and came out with a fall wreath!! I guess it means I am sick to death of the summer heat here in the southern US and am trying to entice fall to come a bit early. The wreath looks great on the front door and I'll let you know if it works.....

  61. Hi ...just came by from Cranberry Crossings...I have to agree. Fall is my favorite time of year...love the warm fall colors. Thanks for the give away!I will post it on my blog right away. Come over for a visit some time.

  62. Those mums are beautiful, Sue! I love the color. I looked at our Wal Mart, but they don't have any in stock, yet:( I'm keeping my eye out for some!

    I'm trying not to get too anxious for fall, but truth be told, I'm really looking forward to it!


  63. Hey,
    Have I never been here before? I guess I will just have to make myself at home then!! Came over from Kathy's blog. I start decorating for Fall around the first of Sept. I start thinking about it much sooner, of course!!

  64. Hi!
    Thanks for having this fun giveaway!! I found you through Lea over at Farmhouse blessings. I guess we atart decorating around September for fall.I`ll post about this on my blog too!Take care!!blessings,Toni

  65. Fall is my favorite time of year. I love to decorate for fall. I usually start with some decorations right after labor day. Thanks for the tip on the house tours. I off to check it out. Jackie

  66. I "kinda" want to start in August, but if I hurry it too fast, it makes summer go, so...early September usually. I will add your giveaway to my blog!!! Thanks for putting my name in the pot! Karen

  67. I have to admit, because my birthday is in September, I really do not start my fall decorations until Oct. I know, I know......Jane

  68. I love to decorate for fall. I usually start on Oct 1st. It is still too hot over here. Temps still at 98. Waiting for cooler weather. Please enter me in your giveaway.

    Irma :)

  69. How FUN!!
    I start decorating for fall about mid-september. Here in AZ it is still hot by then....(I get so jealous of everyones cooler temps!)it doesn't really seem like fall but I do it anyway! :) I leave it all up until Dec.1st rolls around.

    Have a great day, Sue. Your blog is so fun to read!
    take care...

  70. Hey Sue, found your blog on Simple-Needs. It sure feels like fall here too. My favorite season to decorate for next to Christmas. But lets dont talk about that.LOL. It will be here soon enough.

    I usually start my fall decorating about Sept. So not much longer to wait now. I am gonna post your give away on my blogs.

  71. Anonymous9:49 AM

    I am so lame. I gave up decorating for any holiday when I got my dog. As a puppy she would eat and/or destroy anything within reach. I haven't put up a Christmas tree in 7 years because the first year, she ate some of the branches and destroyed a lot of the ornaments with her waggy whip of a tail. I wouldn't trade her for anything, but I am tempted to get a tree this Christmas and lock it in the bathroom where she can't get at it.

    Oh well .. leaving a comment, probably won't win .. but if I do, I promise to keep things out of Clover's reach and out of harm! I will have the prettiest bathroom in town.


  72. I love to decorate for fall, I start around sept. but I want to start early this year cause I am in the mood! I'LL post on my blog when I updte later today! Beth

  73. I love to decorate for fall too! Usually Mum's on my Porch, then lots of "pumpkin themed" thingys for around my home.

    Love your blog! Glad I found it

    Hugs, Mary

  74. I love to put mums out with other fall decorations too. I usualy have 100+ trick or treaters and that makes yard decorating a whole lot more fun. Love your laundry room too!

  75. Hello, Sue!
    I want to tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog!
    To say "thank you" I have given you an award. Please come by and pick it up.
    Have a great week!
    Cathy from Aunt Daisy's Cottage

  76. Hi,
    I found you thru Joanne and would love to enter your giveaway if it isn't too late. I want to start my Fall decorating NOW, but I'm waiting until Sept 1st...I have been going thru my boxes and seeing what I have and may need :)..I'm sure that I'll need a couple more Fall tresures. Come visit me sometime..love to meet new gals. Thank you for letting me enter :) Warmly, Deb

  77. Even though it most likely won't feel like fall yet, I usually start decorating for fall right after Labor Day. I just love autumn decorations!

  78. Anonymous11:12 AM

    I hate seeing summer end and try to make it last as long as possible. I don't start decorating for fall until the day the season starts :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!


  79. Anonymous11:17 AM

    I blogged about the giveaway for an extra entry:



  80. I start decorating at the end of
    August, it is my favorite time of
    year. Love your Mums! The red color
    is delicious. I have to get
    some mums to decorate my front yard before I put up the scarecrow/fall things!

  81. Your mums look so pretty. It's so hot here that I can't even THINK about autumn until some time in October! So I don't do anything fall like until then.

  82. Picture perfect! I love the mums!

  83. Anonymous1:28 PM

    I always wait until after Labor Day to start fall decorating, but I might have to go get some fall flowers this coming weekend. I can barely stand it--must.decorate!

  84. Hi , my name is Shelley. I hope I am not to late for your Give Away. I always start to decorate at the first of September. I am so ready for Fall this year. I love your Mums,they sure put me in the mood...


  85. Hi,

    Fall is my favorite time of the year. I love the cooler nights, and the beautiful colors of the changing trees. I usually start decorating for Fall around mid to late September.


  86. fall is my fav time of year. I love to decorate for it and I love to go to all the area festivals. I usually start decorating either in September or at the very least, the first of October. Now that school is back in session, it is really feeling like fall is just around the corner.

  87. Hi Sue, yes please enter me in your giveaway and thank you for coming by and helping to spread the word about mine. Your name is in twice. Love the old enamal ware. Love the makeover on your craft room.

  88. Here in humid Missouri, We usually start in mid September. I would love to start earlier, but having corn and pumpkins just ain't right when it is still 90-some degrees! Much love, Raquel XO

  89. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Sue, I stumbled upon you today and I am so glad I did. Isn't fall wonderful. I'm enjoying all the great fall weather we are having here too. I LOVE everything about fall, from colors to great smells in the kitchen, and piling up with a cozy quilt to watch tv or read. I am getting so excited for fall. I usually decorate my home for fall right after labor day. Need to get out those FALL bins. Would love to be entered in your drawing. Thanks! Will try to get a post about your giveaway up later tonight or tomorrow.

  90. I heard about your super giveaways from Cindy at Home Simple Home.
    I decorated for fall too early last year, Labor Day weekend. This year I am going to wait until at least mid-Sept, maybe even the first day of fall. I use those resin pumpkins outside, so it isn't a problem w/ things getting gross. I decorate for fall through Thanksgiving, so no real Halloween-y stuff, just harvest, scarecrows, gourds, etc.
    I will be blogging about your giveaway this weekend, along with some others, also.

  91. I live in South Florida where we just waved good-bye to Tropical Storm Fay. Our fall doesn't appear until late October, and that's when I decorate for it.

  92. HI!

    It stays pretty hot here for quite awhile. It isn't until late October it starts to cool down and feel like fall. (Palm Springs, ca.) I usually decorate fall starting in mid Sept, so I can have plenty of time to enjoy it. The seasons always go so fast for me!
    Beth Ann

  93. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Fall is my my favorite time of year! I just love the cooler temperatures and the beautiful colors of the trees! I have never really decorated for Fall before, but I have been reading about how people have decorated in the past, and I have been inspired to start!

    I would love it if you would enter me in your contest!

    ~ Kim


Thank you for visiting Country Pleasures, I welcome all comments, always nice to hear from my readers! Blessings!


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