Monday, June 09, 2014

Are You Man Enough?

                Here I sit, missing for a couple of weeks in my hectic but wonderful life that I'm blessed to be living and it's almost Father's Day! June is on the same race track as May was, or is it that I'm just getting old and time is speeding up? Your probably wondering about my post title? I'm choosing to write about a subject matter that effects ALL women and most men, yet they don't get the credit or attention, it's menopause, and is your husband man enough to handle it in a loving way? I'm 54 and I first noticed the little signs years ago, things like not having to shave my legs that often, I was cranky for no reason or my eye sight wasn't as good as it once was. Last fall, on a routine doctor visit, I had him check my hormone levels in a blood test, positive! I knew that but wanted someone else to tell me. Then the hot flashes started, nothing too harsh or unmanageable. One day this winter, I woke up and had a pooch of a tummy, not to be confused with my pooch of a gut, that I've always had, it was little and now I don't mind it but this monster under my breasts has to go! It's uncomfortable and unsightly! Now, I'm noticing women my age and older with a belly bump and not of the baby kind, it's almost like were marked! The hot flashes have been upgraded to night sweats that can happen any time of the day or night, paired with this belly bump, I'm miserable!
     I'm not completely sure if my husband understands just what I'm going through, but he is patience and keeps apologizing for it, a hug helps too! Were in this together, it's written in our marriage vows but it's not fair! It's called MENopause but we women go through this, it's no journey or curse but as long as my husband continues to be patience, we shall survive this too! My Mother never spoke of it or how it was for her, I wish now I had asked, it seems her's will effect yours, so ask your Mom and take notes, it may come in handy for your daughters too! So ladies, this is where I am, I'd like to think I'm on the other side of this phase but were all different and I'm thankful for that! I'm armed with herbs and natural ways to keep my sanity, doing more sit ups than ever and praying harder! Puberty was a piece of cake!
      So, when you wish your man a Happy Father's day this Sunday, remind him of your vows and ask him if he's man enough! Keep him wondering!


  1. I have been going through it for years and I have just learned to adjust to it. I'm used to being hot natured instead of cold natured like I used to be. I'm used to being bitchy sometimes but I control it pretty well because I don't like to have to apologize. HA! I haven't taken hormones. I've just toughed it through. Apparently hubby is man enough because he's still here. HA!

  2. Hello, How funny... Yes, my man has been man enough Thanks for being open and talking about it!
    I have used all the remedies available and it has really helped me. Hang in there it only last up to 10 years :o)
    Blessings, Roxy

  3. I will be 48 in a few months. I can already see the little changes my body is doing. And I HATE it!! I should have my Dr. do the blood test. Our poor husbands that have to put up with us!! Great post!

  4. Boy do I know this...I went through it in my late 40s as my mom did. I got relief when I went to an acupuncturist who gave me great herbs that got rid of the hot flashes, night sweats and other things except the tummy...that was made worse from cortisol which is produced from extreme stress..aka my I retired and am working on my health and hopefully losing the tummy I never had before. Oh and never wish for big get those too eventually.

    Wishing you well!!

  5. 10 years!!! Gee, I hope not!!!

  6. My husband survived mine LOL Bless his heart. I find those night sweats were the worst.

  7. UGH! I am 53 and my tests show I am post menopausal. I can not get rid of the tummy no matter how much exercise I do or how I watch what I eat. I take a blood pressure med for migraines and that is part of the problem. I am thankful that for the most part, the hot flashes are gone! Little blessings!



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