Sunday, August 18, 2013

GOOD morning GLORY!

            The older I get, the more I'm learning, and the more I'm learning about life, the more I"m leaning on my spiritual side, so on this Sunday morning it was only proper to post one of God's many beautiful reminders that life is all about learning and leaning.

    I've waited all summer for the blue morning glories to bloom, they are one of my favorites, but then again, all blue flowers are! How anyone can deny his being is hard to swallow, just take a look around, all the magical wonders of the world!

 Were not church goer's anymore, that was a personal choice and honestly, going to church doesn't make you a better person or Christian, it's all in your everyday being! My time in church is in my garden, with birds singing nature hymns while bee's usher in from bloom to bloom.

    No matter your religion, keep your faith strong and close to your heart! Honor your home while you feed your family in a honest, prideful way. Food for the soul is so much more than bread and water. Get outdoors and behold all the wonder that was made just for us, life is glory filled!! Happy Sunday!


  1. Hi Friend Sue,

    May God draw him near to Him in your garden. I do pray He will bring some close Christian friends into your life as well. We need each other, too.

    Blessings to you!

  2. Thanks Laura! Don't worry, I only have good Christian friends close and near and dear, always!!!

  3. There is no denying the beauty in that bloom.. God has a way of reminding us that he is alive and well. it is in those sudden little burst of His glory that we can delight in his creation. May you experience the power of His love as you stroll through his garden and may His Word live strong in your heart and in your life...Blessings!

  4. great post - I totally agree. the photo is beautiful!

  5. The morning glory is a heavenly can not look at the beauty of nature and not know their is a creator.....\0/

  6. Well, I bet your a morning person!
    Now you can get up early, sing in your garden then make waffles!!
    I am coming to your house tomorrow.
    Better set the alarm :)
    Blessings, Roxy

  7. Sue you and I have talked about this and I so understand! I love your heart for the Lord and the many ways you see Him all around you!!! I hope your garden just busts out... in morning GLORY!!!! XOXO


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