So, do you like a good tip or two? If so, I have a neat little website for you! I got a email last week from a fan, funny to hear myself say that, but she really is a fan of my blog, who told me she read all about my Herb Pot on Tipnuts and that lead her to my other blog. So, I had to check it out for copy right purposes and to cure my curiosity. Thankfully, they did give me proper credit and I was happy to find their site very informational and fun. I check in every couple of days to see what new tips they have listed, all with great articles and photos. I like to pass on "good things" so head over to www.tipnuts.com and check out all the fun stuff you can make, eat or just download to play with later! And for my fan, thank you for all the kind words and I too wish we were neighbors!
Oh my goodness, what a wonderful site! I could be on there for days so if you never hear from me again, you'll know where I'm at.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your showcase there. What an honor!
Farmgirl blessings,