Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Quick Sourdough

                Beware, I'm a weather whiner, with every right to do so! We are not used to nor are prepared for the winter we are having, with that being said, I'm sitting here on day three of cabin fever and missing work. The house is clean, laundry done, online art class caught up and the urge for comfort foods keeps me in the kitchen, not a bad place to be with the oven on and coffee in hand. Last winter was mild enough that I didn't feel the need to bake bread, and that's a shame, I should be making bread at home more often, much better for us, and I need to work on this. So, I'm starting by making a quick and overnight sourdough starter that allows you to use it the next day, if your like me and just can't wait! This recipe is easy and fast to put together, just keep in mind, with sourdough there are some rules that you must follow: always use glass, stoneware or plastic containers and mix with plastic or wooden spoons. NEVER use metal, it will only counter act the process. Keep your starter in a warm, dry place. I keep mine on top of the fridge where heat rises and seems to work for me. Your starter will double in size so make sure your container is big enough. And don't forget to feed your starter!

Quick, Overnight Starter

2 pkg. dry yeast
4 c. lukewarm water
4 c. all purpose flour
Dissolve yeast in a small amount of the water. Stir flour into remaining water and add yeast mixture. Mix well and cover. Let stand in warm place for at least 6 hours or overnight. Starter is now ready to use in your favorite sourdough recipe.

    That little book above " Sourdough Cookery" has been in my collection since 1983 when Mother Earth News got me hooked on sourdough pancakes, now a Christmas morning favorite but the book is loaded with recipes for all things sourdough! Almost a lost art, but once a way of daily life, so treat yourself to the best bread in any kitchen, or pancakes, waffles, cinnamon rolls, cakes, muffins....good stuff!!


  1. What a great quick starter! I have never seen that book before. I will have to look for it on the internet. Stay warm and enjoy some fresh baked bread!

  2. It takes a lot in keeping this starter going, but oh so worth it!!
    Parts of the Country are really getting bombarded with snow. I suppose there are a lot of shut-downs everywhere. Cold here in East Texas...but NO Snow.

  3. Thanks so much for the starter recipe.Nothing beats good ole homemade bread.Stay safe and warm.Hugs,Jen

  4. I can almost smell the bread now. Stay warm!

  5. Thanks for the starter recipe. I like that it only take 6 hours and not a week. This winter has been something hasn't it? I am so looking forward to spring.


  6. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Do you ever use sourdough starter for quick breads?

  7. I tried something similar to this years was fun and surprisingly turned out well. I have had cabin fever for over six weeks...ugh!!!!


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