Sunday, May 05, 2013

My peeps!

           I'd like you all to meet our "Dirty Dozen" with Rooster Cogburn leading the flock! Our baby chicks are 2 weeks old and growing daily! Due to the cold and wet weather, the coop has been put on hold, but we remain hopeful that it will be finished in time to move these guys outside, they are outgrowing their make shift brooder! Our peeps are Silver Laced Wyndottes and I can't wait to see them running our 2 acres like pros!!!


  1. You have some cute little darlings there. Would love to have some, but city life prohibits!!
    have a great afternoon..

  2. Adorable!
    I've got to get some chicks started or it will be next year before we have eggs again. I really miss my hens.

    Blessings to you friend.
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  3. They are cute little buggers!!!

  4. Anonymous7:17 AM

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  5. Anonymous11:31 PM

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  6. Anonymous9:31 PM

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  7. Anonymous11:58 PM

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