Thursday, July 29, 2010

Age Related

            As you know, or may not, I'm 51. This age thing isn't for sissies, it's hard! I want to grow old with grace and dignity.  When I turned 40, I thought my life was half over, it was like a half way point and I had so much I wanted to do, to achieve and to conquer. Here I am at 51, with the same to do list but with less time to work with, I swear I got more done when all 5 kids lived at home!  Where does the time go, really?

      I'm a morning person who drinks coffee faithfully, and my energy level is pretty good till about 2 or 3pm when I slow down to a snails pace, if  I were a napper, I could nap daily. I wonder how women function on little sleep, I average about 5-6 hours a night, but some manage on less than me? I have so many questions, ones I wished I could of had my Mom answer, they say our journey through menopause will be much like our Mom's? No official report, but I'm pretty certain I'm entering this last phase of womanhood, and for the most part, I'm ready, just a little frazzled! My brain doesn't work as hard as it once did. I'm not as strong as I used to be.  I don't get alot accomplished even when I think I do. I'm praying when or if I get hot flashes, it's in winter! I don't take to the heat anymore either, it wears me out and makes me cranky!

     I love being a woman, I'm accepting my age as a state of mind, and not a number. It's my gate pass to a open mind, where I"ll fill it with new ideas and challenges.  I want to accept my body as it is, not perfect. I will never be skinny, but I will stride to be healthy.  My spirit needs feeding daily, a well rounded diet of bible verses, recipes, sewing patterns and journaling keeps my inner self maintained and balanced . Fellowship of the female race is what  grounds me and keeps me happy and sane.  This age thing, can be done with grace, dignity and bonds like ours! Blogging is a basic need and I want to thank you for your visits and friendship. And if you have any advise to help me get over this hump, please share!


  1. I feel ya pain. It is tough getting older. I have hot flashes from he!! every night and during the summer it is worse. I do sleep a lot. I get 8+ sometimes 10 hrs. It makes me feel better and function better.

    The best thing I ever did for myself was to determine what was important and what demanded my attention. I learned the things I thought important turned out to not be as important after all. When all is said and done what does it hurt to let some things go to simplify life. I now live a fairly simple life. (I am alone and that makes a difference too)

  2. Sue I can totally relate to what you're saying. I'm turning 50 in a week and a few days. Definitely not as much energy but some days stay out of my way as I have lots! lol Just remember this, the 50's today they are saying are the new late 30's so we're still good :) Have a great day Sweetie!

  3. I can relate. I will turn 50 in about 3 weeks. I don't sleep well, but have few hot flashes. I use a prescription natural hormone cream that helps many of the other symptoms a lot. Expensive, but worth it to me to feel better. Yes, I believe that 50 is the new 30.

  4. As a woman about to turn 41 I can relate to now being in a place of re-examining my life to determine my goals for the next half of life - but really we don't know what tomorrow holds, so we need to live according to God's will today.

  5. Well ladies I'm a little older then most of you, and it does get better. There are days I get a lot done, and some day's not as much. But this is life, just enjoy it.

  6. Ok Sue, I can totally relate,I am not 50 yet and have been going through menopause for a while now. Let me tell you it stinks! The hot flashes, you never get them when you need them. The summer is rough. oh and the brain fog...heaven help me! I'm a lot more tired than I use to be, I have to constantly push myself to get through some days. I have to take over the counter sleep meds. But one thing I will say is we all go through this thing together. just take it one day at a time. With Gods help we will be OK.
    Sandy from
    Love ya to stitches

  7. Bless your hearts!! Thanks to all who have commented and gave me hope! I agree, together we can plow through!
    See, this is why I blog, for the comfort!

  8. Dear girl, I am right there with you. I have done all of the same things as you. It isn't an easy process, is it? Giving our bodies back to God is really difficult.

    I have a fan on all the time, even in the winter! I can't be cold enough and when I am cold, I just sit here and be cold. Silly, isn't it?

  9. loved your entry today..I have started getting the hot flashes on occasion..and they stink..but they aren't so bad yet..wish I could get more sleep..but don't and some days I nap..need the i do it..I don't sleep well at night due to my hips sleeping on the couch for a siesta is nice..I don't as much done..because I am blogging all day long..:) have a good one.:)

  10. This is funny. I just told my husband the exact same thing as the last post(less than a hour ago). I can't sleep at night because my hips hurt. So I take a nap on the sofa or hammock in the afternoon to rest up. Funny how so many of us have so much in common isn't it?

  11. Hey Sue.... I am 52 and I understand how you feel...I get about as much sleep as you... and I do need a nap some days,,,lol love your sprite about the whole thing..... I don't get as much done as I used too either.. but I do what I can.. I don't feel my age either... Have a great Friday.....


  12. I`m 62, been there. This time will pass and believe me, you will like the "new" you. You become stronger, more sure of yourself, more confident. It will become one of the best times in your life.

  13. Hello Sue,

    I can so relate. I am 46 and have been dealing with perimenopause for the past 3 years. Yes the brain is fuzzy, I will walk into a room to get something, stop and wonder what it was :) I take Progest by Emerita and it has helped me so much with the mood thing, hot flashes (very rare now), and brain cramping :) I actually feel the best that I have in a long time, I am also finally losing weight and eating healthier :). I am trying to grow older gracefully :)

    Have a blessed weekend!

  14. Thank you for writing this post, Sue! We are the same age and I can certainly relate to all of it. Most of it I can handle, but I get frustrated with the 'brain fog' that happens a lot of the time, LOL!

    I've found that if I drink apple cider vinegar (1 tbsp. in water ) per day, I don't get hot flashes. It's really worked well for me. When I first started getting them, I drank 2 tbsp. a day, but after a while, cut it back to one.

  15. Thats sweet sis. Just take it one day at a time and enjoy what you have, GOD is the only one who knows are future and we can not control that. We all feel the way you do and I am younger then you. Love ya sis. Look what I have to look forward to. hee hee

  16. I slammed into menopause at 38 with a hysterectomy. You'll make it! I promise!

  17. Hi Sue~I keep trying to email you and it keeps 'bouncing' back to me. The answer to your question is YES! I'll keep trying to get the email through to you. I recieved yours, so don't know what the problem is.

  18. Oh Dear Sue, I've been spending some time at Country Pleasures trying to catch up on what you've been up to.
    What a beautiful, honest post. And reading all the comments I see most everyone relates very well! Ohhh the Joys of womanhood!
    Happy to be readin you today dear friend!!! Try to stay cool... the dogdays are upon us.

  19. Loved your post. I am there at 55 and feel much of what you do. My energy levels are low. I have trouble getting to sleep but sleep about 7 hours when I do get to sleep and end up napping a couple times a week. I want to do so many things and most days just don't tackle any of it and then am not happy with myself. I was glad to hear from one of the comments that it does get better.


Thank you for visiting Country Pleasures, I welcome all comments, always nice to hear from my readers! Blessings!


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