Thursday, March 25, 2010

Garden Wish List

In less than a week, April will be here, followed by Easter and my favorite season, planing season! I'm searching the web for garden ideas, as I'm having my super sweet hubby build me 3 new flower beds, the first one is done and just waiting on dirt, who would of ever thought I'd be buying dirt! Last spring we bought a dump truck full, it turned out to be the worse dirt ever! The ad promised it was river bottom soil, but it wasn't, it was a sad excuse for used dirt that had more weed seeds than dirt! But, after tons of weeding, our raised beds produced in spite of their growing conditions, and thanks to free manure from the stock yard! A lesson learned.

I'd love a water feature, like the one above, that one is perfect for our place! Better yet, a small goldfish pond would be ideal, in my mind. My hubby would say other wise, tempting critters too close to the house. I want a secret garden, or room too, covered in flowering vines with a bench in the middle, complete with candle light, or a hanging chandelier, have you seen those made for outside? Of course, I'd find a old one from a old house, paint it a shabby color of blue and replace the light bulbs with candles.

A butterfly garden is on my wish too also. Have you heard that the monarch's are in danger! Join me, won't you in planting more flowers for the butterflies! I can't imagine our planet without butterflies or bees for that matter, can you?

What's on your garden wish list this year? I'd love to see your garden too, so if you have photos posted from last year, please leave us a link so we can take a peek! Off to start some seeds indoors so my hands can rejoice in playing in some good, clean dirt!


  1. Hi Sue,
    I love that water fountain! I would have to say that it's on my wish list. I have a tub like that, but right now it's full of dirt...not sure if my hubby would be happy with the idea if I decided I wanted the dirt moved, since it was my idea to put the dirt there in the first place.

  2. I love that fountain too! I'll have to see if I can duplicate one for my yard!

  3. Sue you want to see a garden thats beautiful and its all done with seeds that she also grows in her own greenhouse...It's Tootsie Time her button is on my side bar please check it out it's to die 4 awesome...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  4. I agree great fountain, but I would really love a secret outdoor room....with the candlelight please! Yes, right next to a beautiful butterfly garden! I have a gorgeous butterfly bush that gets just huge every year. I hope it survived this last winter! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Ah the outside room with the candlelit chandelier sounds devine. I have a problem here where I live because we have deer in our yards so everything needs to be fenced or they eat it. Even little trees we plant have to have a cage around them. I am hoping we can fence our backyard in the future so I can plant lots of flowers and maybe a vegetable garden.

  6. I love that water feature! I didn't know about the Monarch butterfly's, thats really sad. My prayer is that some how we can save them. I'm always trying to take pictures of butterfly's. I don't get alot of good shots. But I do try to plant things that they like.
    Sandy from
    Love ya to stitches

  7. THATS the cutest idea for a fountain. That would be perfect. I'd love to find those old tubs at a yard sale for planters even. I've seen them here n there but never for sale... not yet!
    I planted two butterfly bushes a couple days ago in honor of our boys and another thing I want to plant more of is monarda "scarlet bee balm." The flutterflies love it. I think more than anything they seem to love the zinnias and I can't wait to plant my seeds from YOU!
    I'm sorry your dirt was so crummy. That really stinks. Our railroad tie bed gets full of bermuda grass so I like to till it up, plant and then lay layers of newspaper down with hay on top. It does a great job of keepin the weeds down and breaks down alot over summer which is good for the soil too. Sometimes I use sawdust but it's free just to clean the barn and use that. lol
    If you find any beautiful birdhouses for sale online let me know. I want LOTS this year.

  8. That fountain is the cutest!!!!!

    I have not heard about the monarchs. We go out in the spring and look under milkweed and get monarch eggs. It is really neat to see the little worm come out of the egg. We just keep feeding the caterpillar milkweed and then it goes into the chrysalis stage. It is beautiful green with gold beads along the top. We then wait for the butterfly. Wonderful to watch the wonder of God right before your eyes.

    I have lots of plans for flowers and garden. Starting my seeds now. Enjoying watching them grow, lots of times a day I am looking! Smile
    Blessings, Linda

  9. You could make something like that simple. I would send you mine but its to heave. I love my fountain. Happy Friday Sis.

  10. Yep--gardening time is coming and I have itchy fingers. I do a lot of container gardening because I like to move stuff around and I like my red pots on my side steps. I am making--what I hopw will be an English type garden up by the road between the house, barn and parking area. We live on a dirt road with almost no traffic. Well the mail man--haha.
    I took a pic from my deck to the pond and pastures so take a look and see what it looks like here right now. On my smallcityscenes blog). MB

  11. That water fountain is the cutest! I love your list and plans. Mine is growing longer each day, but mainly I'm focused on a chicken coop & flowers surrounding that (for now.. lol). bak-bak.. Chickens on the brain! :) -Tammy

  12. Its nice to meet you Sue.
    I love that fountain...
    hmmmm I wonder if hubby will agree that we really do NEED another fountain!
    I already have a pond and fountain... but whats another one!

    I do love my flower beds and put in anew one last year....hoping it fills in this year! I will go thru my old posts and show you some garden pics! Be right back!

    Hugz, Dolly

  13. Sorry....I got alil side tracked looking at all the wonderful blogs on your blog.
    Love to meet other chicken people!

    here are two posts I did on my flower beds...I hope they inspire you.

    Also this lady inspires me....she has the most beautiful gardens ever!

    My wish list for this summer.... is to put cobblestone foundations around the chicken coop and guest house, add a brick path to the front door, create a cute garden patio area for the back yard! and add more bird houses and feeders here and there!

    I can't wait to see what you accomplish this summer!

    Hugz, Dolly

    come visit!


Thank you for visiting Country Pleasures, I welcome all comments, always nice to hear from my readers! Blessings!


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