Today is Grandparents Day, so be sure to tell your grandparents how much they mean to you and give a extra hug or two. To celebrate this special day, I'm hosting a giveaway for grandparents, all you have to do is be one! Leave me a comment here telling me about your favorite thing to do with your grand kids and I'll add your name to the hat. I'll draw out a winner in one week, next Sunday. So, let's hear about those special times spent being a grandparent and enjoy this day set aside for us! Happy Grandparents Day!
I love having family dinners here with all of them. Its a multi generation thing for me. I grew up with that and now they do. My grandkids like to cook so I have them help to get things done just before we eat. They set the table, put the food out......sometimes even do the smaller things like cut the bread or make a dressing.
ReplyDeleteMy oldest grandchild loved this so much that she insisted they eat at the table in her house. Before that, they would eat in front of the tv on trays.
And my lil guy loves to cook and is learning all about food here. Hes a lucky guy, gramma is was also a chef.
While I am now moving out of state, hes already talking about visiting me there. So is the oldest altho shes a teenager now so I dont know if that will happen. But it makes me happy to see they want to continue. Ill miss these times but I have no choice, I have to move.
You are so right, being a grandparent is just the best! I have three grandchildren and one more due in December.
ReplyDeleteI like baking with my granchildren. They learned how to make homemade noodles when they were little. We have made applesauce together. Also they had so much fun making cheeseballs last holiday season.
I enjoy my grandchildren when they say the cutest things imaginable. It is a blessing to be a grandmother.
Mary Ann
Happy Grandparent's Day Sweet Sue! I'm not a 'granny', but I sure do miss my grandparents. My Dad's father used to have a hog farm and I loved following him around to all the pens. Even got to feed them once, but my was that slop bucket heavy for a child to be lifting. :) Good luck to all the grandparents who enter your giveaway. xxoo
ReplyDeleteI had wonderful grandparents growing up, but unfortunately my children didn't get to experience that. So now I am trying to maker sure my grandchildren do experience it. I have 2 granddaughters and 2 grandsons. The boys are 19 months old and the girls are 2 and 6 years old. They are a complete joy to me and my husband. Yesterday we were at the 2 year old granddaughters house and when we went to leave she cried so hard that we had to take her home with us so I wouldn't feel so bad. We had a blast. Happy Grandparents day to all you lucky grandma's and grandpa's.
ReplyDeleteSo today is Grandparents day but it also is International Chocolate Day. Pretty cool huh!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy Grand Day to you and Wes. MB
There's nothing better than being a grandma! I've got 2 grandsweeties, Emma & Reid. As far as a favorite thing I like to do with them, I'm just happy any time that I get to spend time with them! Of course, we're all St Louis Cardinals fans, so going to the game together is always fun :)
ReplyDeleteI wanted to thank you for posting about Grandparents day on facebook,otherwise I wouldn't have known.
ReplyDeleteI made sure to spend some time with mine today.They are both in their 80s and I know my time left with them is limited so every day is a gift.
I'm not a gma yet but from what I've heard it's awesome!
I have 5 grandchildren - 3 of which I have had for 11 days while their parents were out of town. What a joy they are in my life! Averi, who is 7, is blind and quite a challenge to keep busy. She was born with a rare disease, which caused her blindness. She spent 6 months in the PICU - we almost lost her everyday for 5 of those 6 months. We feel so blessed to have her in our lives, to touch her and hold her and tell her how much we love her. We never thought we would have that chance - God has truly blessed us! Anything I do with her, any day, is my favorite thing! All of my grandchildren are special to me, and I love them all equally. Every time I am with them, I feel like the luckiest grandma in the world!
ReplyDeleteHappy Grandparents Day to you Sue!!
ReplyDeleteI love being a Mimi. My grandkids are still little but lots of fun.
I look forward to doing lots with them. Right now they like to help make cookies, do dishes and things where they can help.
Please enter me in your drawing and Happy grandparents day to all of you grammies and grandpas!!
I have two grandkids and I don't get to see them as much as I would like. We live so far away,so when I do see them everything about the visit is truly special.
ReplyDeleteBeing a grandmother is such a joy to me. I have had full custody of my grandson since he was barely 2 and he is now 6 years old. It is just the two of us. Even though it was a hard adjustment on my part, being 60 years old and working full time, I would not trade one moment of it for anything in this world. He is my life. And now that I have retired from work, I can devote it all to him. He is such a bright little man who enjoys life to its fullest. And he just melts my heart when he says " Nannie, you are the best Nannie and I love you so much"!
ReplyDeleteWe have two grandsons and my favorite thing is telling stories. They will ask if I brought a story in my head and if I have one - we start (I always have one). They often join in the stories, giving ideas and ways for the plot to go - from the other grampa's dog selling things at a toy store - to the whole family driving big trucks and building a road. Their little minds are so clever - and I love to listen to them add their part to the stories.
ReplyDeleteMmmmmmmmmmm........I SO agree! Being a grandma is just like a little bit of heaven. I ADORE my little guy.
ReplyDeleteHappy Grandparents' Day to you!
We have 4 grandkids that we love to talk to. They all live up in Connecticut and we are way down in Florida so we don't get to see them too often. It's great to hear them giggle on the phone though :)
ReplyDeleteThe best part of being a Nana in my point of view was being able to deliver her. Me being the 1st person she saw when she came out made my day. I loved it... :)
ReplyDeleteThe thing I enjoy doing most with my grandkids is cooking! They like to always try new and different recipes and the time spent is always enjoyable, and bonus the food is usally delish!!
ReplyDeleteGRandchild Connection recognizes National Grandparents Day! This article was truly delightful, thank you for sharing. Yesterday, National Grandparents Day, we have launched Grandchild Connection, a service that strengthens the bond between grandparents and grandchildren. Grandchild Connection allows distant grandparents and grandchildren to develop close, meaningful relationships by utilizing today's technology of video conferencing. As part of the "VideoVisit" experience, we coach grandparents in educational and social activities that enhance the bonds they share with their grandchildren, and we provide the tools to achieve that end. We have launched our website today, National Grandparents Day, September 13th, 2009Come visit us @ grandchildconnection dot com
ReplyDeleteHi Sue! I keep my only grandchild 5 days a week while the kids work and go to college. He is almost a year old. I so enjoy my time with him. My favorite time is after nap time we play in the floor together. We pull out the toy box and have a ball playing. He is such a joy to me. He is walking and climbing everything already. He keeps me busy but I wouldn't want to give up this time with him for anything.
ReplyDeleteI loved this post. Thanks for sharing. I hope you had a Happy Grandparents Day. Have a great week. Karen
I am a new grandmother~My Boston Alexander will be arriving around December 1st. I have great plans as Grandma Carrie. I am praying I get to be there for his grand entrance into this world. You pray too~ok! You see Boston will live in Washington and I live in Missouri. My plane ticket has been bought for November 28th and he is due December 1st.
ReplyDeleteI plan on baking cookies and mailing them in the mail. I plan on using Scype a lot. I plan on making making singing CDs to send to him. And I plan on praying for him everyday. And on those special times we get to be together I plan on spending every waking moment loving him. I plan on fishing with him and catching bugs and toads and frogs. I plan on becoming his buddy. I am so excited to be blessed to be his Grandmother!
I love your blog~
What a blessing!
I'm not a grandmother yet, but I do have my first grandchild on the way! I am looking forward to the love of a grandchild that I hear so much about from people who already have this privilege. Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteI am Nana to 4 grand daughters, 2 grandsons and 1(?) on the way. They are all 8 and under and are my two oldest daughter's children. I am so blessed to have them live nearby. It wasn't always so, as my second daughter and her husband moved around so much. They were in Wales when the first one was born, and in Alaska for the second. When the 3rd was born, they were right here close by. They just a house here, so are here to stay!
ReplyDeleteI love to spend time with those little ones! The four oldest are all girls and they love to: help me in my garden, eating anything that I tell them tastes good! They also love to help me to sew, and I've taught the two oldest to knit- sort of! They love to spend the night at Nana and Grampa's house being read to and tell stories. They all love to cook, and I can't wait to teach them how to make the traditional Italian foods that I and their mom's grew up on.
When I was young, my Nana was the sweetest, best ever, and that is why I have my grandchildren call me Nana too!
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