Saturday, February 02, 2008

4 You

I've been tagged with a new MeMe, all about the number 4 so since it's my lucky number, I'm playing along, here goes:

4 Movies I'd watch over and over: Bridges of Madison County, Waltons Homecoming, Under the Tuscan Sun and Ya Ya Sisterhood

4 Places I've lived: California, Nevada, Arkansas and Missouri

4 Shows I watch: Jericho, House, 24 and Oprah

4 Places I have been: Las Vegas, West Virginia, Oregon, Tennessee

4 People who email me: Allison, Marybeth, Bea and Melissa

4 Favorite things to eat: Chocolate, a good burger, pizza and brownies

4 Places I would rather be: In a new house, I'm always happy at home. Can't really think of anything else?

4 Things that I look forward to this year: Moving to a new house, Spring, Fall and Christmas time.

4 people to tag: Melissa, Allison, Laura and Joy

Have fun with it girls! We got snow finally the other day so I used that day at home to put out the Valentine things and since we got engaged on Valentines day, I like to add a wedding photo of us, as a reminder that the day of LOVE is real and gets better each year!


  1. hi,
    I wanted to invite you to stop by my blog for my give away that I'm having.
    hope you'll come join in the fun.

  2. ok sis, I did it but I dont think I did it right. How was your day in Springfield? Good I hope. Well taa taa to today.

  3. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Hi Miss Sue!
    I'm assuming that I'm the Laura you've chosen; so, I'll think about the answers and write tomorrow. What does MeMe mean?
    I'm still so new at all of this!

    Thanks for being such a sweet encouragement to me. My blog stats say that someone visits from your site nearly every day. I cannot believe I've had more than 1300 hits since the middle of December when I started!

    Blessings to you, my friend. The Valentines went in the mail today. Most of them are different from each other. I didn't get a camera to photograph them soon enough. I'm sorry to disappoint.

    Happy at Home

  4. Hi Sue, I love the Valentine's Day vignette...especially your photo!

    It was fun reading more about you.

  5. Sue, Left you a comment and question two posts back. Also yum to the dark chocolate. I can't wait to find the dark chocolate Snickers thats coming out!!! Cute post, Lori

  6. Happy Engagement Day coming up for you two. Our snow is GONE! Just chilly and damp out. I think I may mold and turn green. A-ha--the greening of America. MB

  7. Engaged on Valentine's Day--your husband must be the most romantic man. It is so sweet that you added your wedding photo to your Valentine's display. And it is so true that love gets better every year.

  8. Lovely and such sweet memories.


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