Old man winter, Father Time, a New Year, and oh how time flys! Here we are at the beginning of a brand new year, what do you hope 2008 brings to your life? Me, I'm looking for change, a new house, a new goverment and new projects to pass the time away! Why does time pass faster as we get older? As kids, we couldn't wait to get older, to do more things, have no one tell us what to do all the time. Little did we know that we will always have someone tell us what to do, when to do it and how sometimes. But this is life, we live in the best country in the world, where we are still free to vote, and even though I'm dreading all the negative slander (is there good slander?) with this next Presidential election that has started already, I am looking forward to change in our goverment, not that I have many complaints about our present leaders, let's not go there, but this race will be a historic event. We could see our first woman president, or our first black president? Time, it does change things, and I'm proud to live here to witness either event!
New Years is a good excuse to make those promises to ourselves that are so hard to keep, yet we write down the same resoulions each year. A do over I guess, a second chance to be a better person, so sad how in a months time we will have broke many promises to ourselves and loved ones without much thought. I did accomplish many things that I set out too last Jan.1. I vowed to write more and I did. My blog got more posts than ever before. I write articles for a fine young publication now called Small Town Living. I've snapped a photo a day and created a blog out of a challenge I got in my inbox last December, check out my photo a day blog under my blogs to the right. I've kept a journal faithfully all year long, didn't miss a day and I started a prayer journal too, just read through it and smiled at all the answered prayers in those pages, most of them but a couple were answered. Those few just need a little more time and they too will be complete. And I've made time to do the things I love and I've grown from it. If time does fly, I'm higher than a kite and loving the view from above! Blessings to you all on this first day of a new year, and your all blessings to me! Happy New Years Friends!
Love your blog! I was feeling the same way as you today and even have been reflecting on the upcoming election with my husband. I told my students at school that they are lucky to be living now when history might be made regarding a new president.
ReplyDeleteHi Sue,
ReplyDeleteI just said to my DH the other day that when I was young I thought Christmas would never come. Now it all comes and goes in a blur for me and before I know it there's another one!! :) Yes, the older I get the faster time goes.
I've read your articles in Small Town Living and they are quite good. I love that little magazine.
I'm sure this year will bring change, I just don't know what kind of change yet or if it will be for the better. Kinda scary, huh?
Happy New Year, Sue! I so enjoyed your post. I hope this new year is a great one for all of us, no matter what the changes that are ahead. I love the idea of keeping a prayer journal~just have never got mine started.
wishing you a Happy New Year too. I'm looking forward to all that the new year holds too.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year, Sue!
ReplyDeleteWhatever happens this year--it's comforting to know that our great God is in control and all that happens is according to His plan.
May you and your family be specially blessed in this new year and may you find yourselves ever closer to our precious Lord.
Blessings to You! Claudia O.
Yes, time certainly does fly as we grow older! J is officially retired now. We hope to live every day to the fullest and keep our reasonably good health, so we can take more road trips and explore explore explore!
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to this election year, as well. It should be interesting and exciting!
Hi darling,just passing threw to say hello,hope y'all had great holidays.
ReplyDeleteHi Sue ~
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed reading your post! Time does seem to be going faster these days; there are just not enough hours in the day to get everything done. You accomplished a great deal last year! You made plans and goals and stuck to them, so that is success!! :)
Hope you have even more wonderful blessings in 2008!!
Blissfully, Bebe :)