Now that Halloween is over we can turn our thoughts to Thanksgiving and all the wonderful things that day brings. We are creatures of comfort, aren't we? There's something so comforting in knowing that we have a special day set aside to give thanks and be grateful for all things, great and small. I plan on starting a new tradition with our family this year, a graditude journal to be passed to each member of the family old enough to write a few lines or a page if they so choose, just something to mark their year of blessings, one to look back on years ahead. I love this idea, I love journaling and do so for everything from my gardening to prayers, but to have a family journal of grateful thoughts can only keep our family ties strong and tight!
I've been keeping journals for many years, still have one of my first diaires from jr. high school. I often read them over and over to see how silly I was. I have a journal of my adventures in hitch hiking to Oregon, I was young and in love, no other excuses needed. I have baby journals from carring my boys, my plan was to have one for each son, but it never worked out that way. I wish I had done it now, what a gift that would of been to them now.
I really find words to be comforting, not just my own, but many authors have inspried me, stirred my inner writer to new highs and have mended relationships old and new. Words are such a big part of my life and I've found many bloggers who challenge me in my own writing style and I like that. I've also found many who I can connect too right away, and that is comforting too. Words are powerful, they can heal, they can hurt, choose them wisely, they are priceless really!
I'd love to hear your thoughts on journaling, do you? Do you prefer to make your own or buy them? Do you have a Thanksgiving Graditude Journal? If not, think about starting one too, we can savor the holiday together, pass the book please!
A Thanksgiving Gratidue Journal is an excellent idea!
ReplyDeleteI've journaled since I was in the fifth grade and that was many years ago. I have them all tucked away in my hope chest and each December 31st add a new one to the stack. I do enjoy reading through them and seeing how I changed over the years.
Most of my journals are just big old spiral notebooks. That's what I started with and it's served me well over the years. I sometimes add things to my pages, a bird feather or leaf for example. Just something that might have touched me on that particular day.
A Family Journal is a great idea. I wish my family would go for that. We are a family of readers but not writers. I sometimes start a journal or diary , my words do not flow out, but they swirl in my head all the time. A pen in my hand only seems to work a crossword puzzle. Sue you are very gifted and should keep it up. MB
ReplyDeleteI've never been one to keep a journal or diary. The closest I've come is my blog. I've thought about it many times as it comes highly recomended but with a case of carpal tunnel sydrome in my right hand, I find it very hard to write long hand. Much easier to type, so I just stay with blogging for which I am extremely grateful!
Oh how I wish Mom would of wrote some of her storys down for us kids to share with our kids. I dont do it either. Writing was not it for me. Its hard to believe that November is here? Where did this year get to? have a great week. Love ya
ReplyDeleteYou know Sue, I have considered myself a "writer" all my life, but I have really let it go by the wayside these last couple of years. I too, have some silly pre-teen and teenage journals! I've kept a prayer journal for years also. It is awesome to go back and see the prayers that have been answered and lives touched.
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful day, friend!
I love your idea to start a gratitude journal! What a keepsake that will be! It was fun hearing about all of your various journals. I used to keep journals (off and on) and have a stack of them in my wardrobe. It's been a few years since I've written in one and should start it up again. I always feel bad when I don't stick with it, but it would be better to have some things written than none. :o) It is fun to look back on them, isn't it? So far I've used various purchased ones, but have always wanted to make some. Great post! Thank you for the inspiration!