Sunday, October 07, 2007

Green Thumb Sunday

More mums! I tell you, I just can't get enough of them this time of the year! They have to be my favorite fall flower. Were still green here and it feels more like Aug. than October. Our highs have been in the low to mid 80's and our over night lows are near 70, that just isn't right, our normal lows are about 50!


  1. How lovely! I have a twin to your yellow mum! I just trimmed some dead flowers off mine this afternoon and I think I was rather annoying to some fiery skipper butterflies and honey bees trying to enjoy there time on the blooms. :o)

  2. We seem to be unusually warm here as well. I'm ready for cooler days. Your mums are lovely.

  3. Sue,
    You are an amazing photographer!
    I LOVE the new banner picture.
    Take care friend,

  4. I am so glad I was one of your first customers! Thanks also for taking part in the card shower.

  5. I think we're supposed to have cooler temps this week! I'm thinking positive thoughts, anyway!:-)

    Have you ever read 417 Magazine? It's all about happenings in the 417 code area. My friend JoAnn subscribes. I've been thinking about subscribing.

    This mum photo is beautiful.

    We've had a busy weekend, here. I'm sure there will be more to come in the next weeks.



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