Thursday, October 25, 2007

Almost 200

I can't believe I'm only one post away from 200 strong! So, to mark this occasion I'm having a 200 post giveaway, just leave a comment right here to be entered, I'll be taking names till Halloween eve! Not sure what the prize will be, but I'll find some of the goodies I have tucked away for times like this, so good luck!
Well, were back to one offer on the house, the second one was just too low, so were back to waiting for the first offer to sell her place in Illinois. And the weather has teased us with fall and now reminding us that winter isn't too far off, finally had to turn the heater on and order propane, and it's so high already, I hate to see what the price will be in Jan. if only we had wood heat, I sure do miss it! Well, this has to be short and sweet, and all giveaways are, but I've been so busy this week and with next week looking to be the same, this chick is pooped! But I'll be here and there, so hang in there with me! I've missed reading everyones blogs but I'll catch up soon, ta ta till then!


  1. congratulations on nearly 200 posts.
    way to go!

  2. 200 posts that is great!! I enjoy reading your blog.Congratulations!!

  3. Congratulations girlfriend!!! I've missed you!

  4. Anonymous7:25 AM

    I know you don't know me yet but after I read your blog I feel like we've been friends for a long time. I have enjoyed your blog so much. I didn't want to be a 'lurker' anymore. So Hi and have a good day.

  5. Congrats on your 200th post! You have a great blog and some baeutiful pictures! Stop by mine and comment on my giveaway too if you get a chance. These are always so fun! Hugs,

    Tammy Claxton

  6. Anonymous7:57 AM

    What beautiful grandbabies. Isn't being a grandparent fun?
    Congrats on your 200th post!

  7. Congrats Sue. It's been fun reading about your goings on. MB

  8. congrats on 200 posts!

  9. Hi Sue,
    Yes you do have a nice blog, and you sure have a way with words. I always said you should write a book.
    That sure is a whole lot of pumpkins!

  10. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Way to go! Hope you have a restful weekend

  11. I've enjoyed each and every one!! Congrats!

  12. Hope you can take a little time to rest, Sue! Maybe the lady's house will sell soon and you can get on with your move. I've been busy, too. I need to take more time out to blog, but some days I just don't seem to get the time.

  13. Congratulations on coming up on your 200 post! I enjoy reading your blog so much and look forward to each new post.

  14. Hi Sue, Congratulations on 200 posts!!! I would love to be entered in your giveway ~ I'm having one on my blog as well for 200!! Please stop by and enter, OK?...xxoo, Dawn

  15. Great blog! I know how you feel with the hosue situation just went through it myself. Keep your chin up...perfect timing is what you want!! Congrats on your 200th posts!!
    hugs jessie

  16. Wow what great accomplishment! I'm a new blogger & just posted my 2nd post - totally at the opposite end of the spectrum from you. I've enjoyed reading your blog. Congratulations

  17. Wow -- 200 posts? 'Tis a cause for celebration. Love all the pumpkins. Weather is turning, isn't it? Hope you find a buyer soon.

  18. I like you pumpkin picture I am debating on doing one of these give aways soon. I think I hit 500 posts in the next week or two.

  19. Congratulations on 200 posts!

  20. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I found my way here from my friend Peggy's blog (Whatsoever Things). I loved your pictures at the pumpkin patch; your grand children are beautiful!! Congratulations on 200 posts; I'd enjoy being entered in your drawing. :-)


  21. Hi sweetie,Congrats on 200 post,having bueatful weather,gathered pecans for holiday cooking,always enjoy visiting.

  22. Hello there! And good for you on the 200 posts! I've just completed about 110 - so I have a ways to go! It's funny how all of these blogs are sort of connected - I think that because we trust our friends that visit and we all must have the same tasts and likes. I found your's and found several names I recognize ! Hope to see you stop by when you have a chance -


Thank you for visiting Country Pleasures, I welcome all comments, always nice to hear from my readers! Blessings!


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