Monday, July 16, 2012

Garden Fun

          How is your garden doing? It's been challenging here with the extreme heat and lack of rain but the watermelons are doing real good, so I thought I'd have some fun and see if I can make a square melon?  Some years we feel like melon, all boxed in with all sides being challenged, but some how, some way, we will get pass this awful summer! Yep, I'm losing the spirit of the season/summer but one thing is has taught me, to think outside the box, to find ways to garden better next year and save more water, naturally, just in case this pattern returns next year?

       I've partnered us up for the Christmas in July swap, so if you joined, keep a eye on your email for your swap partner and get busy creating something fun with a cooler season in mind!

       Were warming back up, for round two of the extreme heat wave with no rain for 2 weeks now. Our neighbors well went dry and had to drill another, our grass is brown and more tree's are tricked into thinking it's fall, so sad. Well, here's to a little fun in the garden and hoping this trick works, I'll let you know if it does! Happy Gardening and swapping!


  1. Hello Sue,
    I can’t believe how hot it’s been up north. We expect that type of heat down here in Florida, but It has actually been very nice this summer {high 80’s and low 90’s}. Love the square watermelon idea. ;o) Take care and stay cool.
    Smiles, Paula

  2. Please...please show a picture of the watermelon if it does come out square. I want to show my husband it can be done. :)

  3. More temps nearing 100's for us too -- no relief in site. Summer is not my favorite season already but I cannot help but looking toward cooler fall days and hoping they come early :)


  4. What?! I've never heard of a square watermelon! Do hope you'll post more pix! Stay cool:)


  5. I can't wait to see the results of that watermelon. Today is the first day in about a week that we are able to turn the air off for a few days. Hope it lasts a few days. We have been getting plenty of rain, so everything in Northern Wisconsin is lush green.

  6. I am so looking forward to Autumn!
    I came home from a visit to Texas to find my 10 year old making pumpkin decorations! A girl after my own heart!

    Maybe we should do an Autumn swap next month.

    Some kind of bugs that didn't respond to organic methods have invaded our garden. Yuck! Yikes! It's war! So, my husband decided to use some 7. He's going to take a look at it tonight. I would hate to lose what we have worked so hard for.

    I'm officially praying for rain. I didn't realize just how widespread this drought is.

    Blessings to you!



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