Wednesday, September 12, 2007

One Fine Day

What a difference a day makes, after yesterday being so heavy in sadness, today has proven to be a light, pre-fall day! I love my days at home, to myself and today was one fine day. After the temps. flirted with 50 degrees overnight, I woke to a chilly morning, hot coffee and the day all to myself. I cleaned, I've got a pork roast in the crockpot with red pototoes and baby carrots, I've got some of the little things done that never seem to get my attention like they should. I've got a new candle burning, pumpkin pie spice, and the birds are enjoying this day too, hunting for seeds. I even filled up the hummybird feeders one last time so they can fuel up before their long flights, and they are attacking the sweet water like crazy! I'm catching up on my daily reads of women who blog, fall seemds to be the theme lately and I'm so ready for it. The last few days here the weather has turned over to early fall, everyone is out and about, walking the dog, taking the kids to the park or just eating lunch outside. Amazing how much the weather controls our spirits, everyone is in such a lighter mood. This is one fine day for me, and I hope all of you are having your own fine day! Fall blessings to all!


  1. This is my favorite time of the year. I love the weather and watching the trees change color. Its nice to have a day to yourself once in awhile.

  2. Glad your enjoying your temps, its still hot here! Hopfully it will start to cool down? Fall is coming...

  3. I love the Fall time too. hope you have a lovely week.

  4. It is one fine day! Sorry to hear you had a sad day, but glad you're having a great day! Head over to my scrapbook blog-got a challenge for everyone-pass it on too! Love ya!

  5. I got a new candle yesterday that is burning here on my desk as I is Apple Rhubarb...ahhhhh!!
    Happy Fall!!

  6. I'm so glad you had a wonderful day! A new candle in warm comforting scents and cool temperatures can be so soothing to our souls. Then you topped it off with a meal in the crock pot. Made my day just reading about yours!


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